The Trusted Adviser July 2009 | Volume 2 - Number 5

IN THE NEWS | ATG Top Member St. Louis Event

photo of Lieberman, McAlister, Pierce, and Birnbaum Even White Sox fan Bill McAlister (second from left, Supervising Attorney, Codilis & Associates, P.C., Burr Ridge, Illinois), enjoyed the baseball action at Busch Stadium where the St. Louis Cardinals faced the Chicago Cubs. At left is Mitch Lieberman (Partner, Noonan & Lieberman, Ltd., Chicago), seated is Denis Pierce, ATG Top Member (Pierce & Associates, Chicago), with Peter Birnbaum (President, Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc., Chicago) at far right. Lieberman and McAllister were featured speakers at the ATG Legal Education Program held earlier in the day, Foreclosure Workshop II.
photo of Foreclosure Workshop II session The ATG Legal Education Program, Foreclosure Workshop II, was filled to capacity at The Westin in St. Louis. Featured speakers were Bill McAlister (Supervising Attorney, Codilis & Associates, P.C., Burr Ridge, Illinois) and Mitch Lieberman (Partner, Noonan & Lieberman, Ltd., Chicago). Jerry Gorman (President, ATG Legal Education, LLC, Champaign) was the moderator.
photo of Hart, Brown, Shulruff ATG Top Members Murphy Hart (ATG Board Member, Hart & Hart, Benton, Illinois) and Britt Brown (Brown, Hawkins & Basola, Decatur, Illinois) with Hank Shulruff (ATG Senior Vice President - Business Development, Chicago).
photo of Gorman, Huffman, Strang ATG Top Member Bill Strang at far right (Strang & Parish, Ltd., Jerseyville, Illinois) with ATG Senior Vice Presidents Jerry Gorman (left) and Dave Huffman (center).

THE TRUSTED ADVISER is published by Attorneys’ Title Guaranty Fund, Inc., P.O. Box 9136, Champaign, IL 61826-9136. Inquiries may be made directly to Mary Beth McCarthy, Corporate Communications Manager. ATG®, ATG® plus logo, are marks of Attorneys’ Title Guaranty Fund, Inc. and are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The contents of the The Trusted Adviser © Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc.

[Last update: 6-30-09]