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What Is the ASP Environment?

ATG REsource operates in an Application Service Provider (ASP) environment. This is an increasingly popular method for providing software applications to users (see chart below). In the ASP environment, ATG hosts the software on its office server and conducts daily back-ups. ATG members access and run ATG REsource through the Internet. This minimizes the need to load software on your computer. Upgrades and enhancements to ATG REsource are made automatically on ATG's servers and transitions are seamless for our members. ATG has contracted with Qwest™ to act as the host for the ATG REsource servers. Qwest provides redundant power and connectivity options in a secure facility monitored 24/7 by experienced Qwest engineers. All stored information is backed up daily to an offsite location.

If you have any questions about the ASP environment, contact the ATG Software Help Desk.

ATG REsource: ASP Environment Illustration

ASP Environment

NOTE: In the ASP environment, members and ATG are dependent upon Internet access for operation. We view this feature as an advancement consistent with today's technology and wanted to emphasize it here for those members who are addressing technology changes in their offices.


ASP Environment Advantages


  • Simplified data delivery to and from ATG
  • Fewer hardware problems and reduced storage demands on members


  • Access your files from any Internet connection
  • ASP users are always running the most current version of ATG REsource
  • Redundant server and access capabilities eliminate downtime
  • Redundant power and phone systems ensure availability at all times


  • Daily off site back-up
  • Each member has an individual account to insulate and protect his or her data from access by others


  • Lower total cost of ownership

[Last update: 6-17-08]