Underwriting News

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Title Tips: Prior Title Policies

11/21/2013 - 1:25pm
Whenever possible, a seller should provide a prior Owner’s Policy of title insurance. Ideally, the seller should provide the prior policy in time to include it with the search order, but even if it's...

New Virus/Malware Spreading

11/11/2013 - 6:17pm
The ATG Information Technology Department received the following information from the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) regarding a particularly nasty malware virus. The fake...

Common Trust Problems and Solutions

11/04/2013 - 4:51pm
This article will look at four common problems that occur regarding trusts under Illinois law. First, what happens in a situation where a deed is granted to a trust instead of to a trustee? Second,...

Title Tips: Searching for Lenders

11/04/2013 - 8:00am
You may have transactions from time to time where an open mortgage on title was made to a lender that is no longer in business. In those cases, you must find out what became of that lender’s...

Hold Harmless Requests

11/04/2013 - 8:00am
This article outlines the procedures for requesting that hold harmless letters be obtained or issued for ATG commitments and policies. A hold harmless letter is an agreement in letter form given by...

Consumer’s Right of Rescission in Credit Transactions

10/09/2013 - 3:04pm
By Yeji Suh, ATG Law Clerk Introduction The right of rescission in credit transactions is a powerful tool granted to the consumer under federal law. The rescission provisions of Regulation Z, the...

Title Tips: Delinquent Water Bills

10/08/2013 - 8:50am
Delinquent water bills pose ongoing challenges in real estate transactions. A municipality or county must record a lien to collect payment for delinquent water charges from a new owner. For a...
