Underwriting News

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Back Taxes

02/12/2000 - 12:00am
What should you do when you have knowledge that the property to be insured has probably been under-assessed by the tax assessor? Do you ignore this information and issue the title commitment exactly...

Color of Title in Illinois

01/17/2000 - 8:28am
  Real Estate and Title Insurance News Color of Title in Illinoisby Brian Hair, ATG Law Clerk Originally published in the January 2000 issue of the ATG concept. Sometimes a bad instrument...

A Guide to Illinois Conservation Rights

07/15/1999 - 5:35pm
Conservation rights provide a legal, recorded way for a property owner to preserve particularly valuable aspects of property in perpetuity. The Illinois statute allows owners to protect the following...

Homestead Rights in Illinois and the Non-Titleholding Spouse Dilemma

05/16/1999 - 3:19pm
by John Sperino, ATG Senior Law Clerk Introduction Homestead rights frequently present a threat to the marketability of residential property. A failure to recognize and properly address the pitfalls...


04/10/1999 - 12:00am
A. Circumstances Required to Insure an Unprobated Estate ATG may be willing to insure title based upon a conveyance from all of the heirs and devisees of a decedent, without requiring formal probate...

Lead Paint Regulations: What Attorneys Must Know

06/01/1996 - 11:22am
Editor's Note: This is a reprint of an article from the June/July 1996 ATG concept. The new lead paint regulations pose many questions, but provide few clear answers. Some issues are as follows:  ...
